Two Letters.

A letter from my father after my final cancer scan.

Okay beautiful daughter, time to celebrate and give Thanks to our loving Heavenly Father. The objective from the beginning was to get those cancer markers in your blood down into the single digits and here we are. The watch protocol is just to make sure the ad guy stays gone, and I know he will. Your number is in the safe zone for good reason. I'm sure of it. I love you, and am deeply proud of you for the way you conducted yourself during the war against your alien invader.

A letter to my father.

Dear Dad,

You and mom have loved and prayed for me throughout my life and now through my cancer story. You stood up and were brave for me; you called every morning at 10:00 am and prayed with me; you lived this nightmare with me. You were the steady hand I needed to face my challenge and get through it, and I have. Your strong faith in God and loving heart brought me to a single-digit cancer number. God has me, and you believe in me; that is powerful. I am proud of you too, dad. Thank you for reminding me so often through scripture; Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14-27

I remain your healthy daughter again,
I love you,