
Today is my one-year cancerversary.  On May 13th, 2021, my husband took me to the ER with severe abdominal pain.  By 3:00 am, I was diagnosed with stage 3C ovarian cancer.  My world changed that day.

I am ready to look back at the last year and process this nightmare.  I pulled out my 2021 calendar and poured through every day and every appointment.  I looked at all my photos, read every note I had written in the margins, and re-read my calendar like a best seller book.  

Last year tested me, tested all of us.  In this challenging time, my family's strength has proven just how powerful love is.   I learned when someone has cancer, the whole family and everyone who loves you has it too. Fighting cancer was not easy, but we did it.  We have rallied, and this fight has made us an even tighter team.  I learned how to pray in a new way and be brave.  I learned how to ask for prayers and how to pray for others.  I know that God works miracles because I am His miracle.  

On April 11th, my doctors told me that I was in remission.  

Happy first Cancerversary! 

HUSBAND. photo by Ellen.