Last year on this day, I began the daunting task of killing cancer. My first chemo treatment began. I knew I was entering the biggest challenge of my life. I felt alone and knew the only way to make it through this was through prayer. As my bad news spread, blessings poured in, from my family, friends, and friends-friends. I now had prayer warriors who prayed for me, called, sent flowers, delivered food, and baked cakes.
This love carried me and healed me. I experienced the power of prayer and the grace of the Holy Spirit. I am living my new life in remission; A miracle.
Today, I pray with my whole heart for a long list of hurting people, family, friends, neighbors, and friends I have yet to meet. I carry them with the same compassion and love that they gave to me. It is my honor and opportunity to give and be more for others.