Thanksgiving table

When I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the doctor gave me a simple blood test to determine my CA125 number; Oh! What I am learning! This test measures the amount of cancer antigen in your blood. It monitors certain cancers during and after treatment. In some cases, this CA test looks for early signs of ovarian cancer in people with very high disease risk. I had no clue that I was in that category.

My cancer story began with a CA 125 number of 458; the doctors said that was high. The normal range is 35 or below. With every round of chemotherapy and surgery, my CA number dropped.

Friday morning, my cancer nurse, Connie, called, in her calm, kind voice; and said, "Leslie, your new CA125 number is a 14!" We wept together on the phone and thanked God. She suggested that I write 14 on a notecard and place it on my Thanksgiving table. I will be giving thanks this year with my family of angels by my side, and a heart overflowing with gratitude. Thankful for my prayer warriors.