HAPPY Sunday

My husband and I climbed into a taxi last week and drove to the airport for a 2:00 pm. flight. After several minutes in the car, I tapped the driver on the shoulder and said to him, can I share a sad story with you?

I proceeded with my story, "Last week, after a long day of travel, I took a taxi home from the airport and left my carry-on bag in his car. My bag was full of my most cherished “things.” A bracelet that my father had given my mother, precious jewelry from my husband, handbags, sunglasses, computers, and more. My bag had had my ID on it, but it never made it back to me. I told my driver that I was angry, sad, and giving up on humanity."

I told him that I have one fuzzy photo on my i-phone of the taxi driving off with my bag from a security camera. I showed it to my driver, and he said to me, “I know this car, I know the driver. My name is Abdul, and I will help you. “

Abdul drove us to the taxi holding area at O'hare, and we began to search the rows of taxis waiting to be called for passenger arrivals. Having no luck, he then brought us to the parking lot supervisor, where we shared our story again. The supervisor said, “my taxi drivers never keep things left behind in their cars,” he instructed us to go to the terminal and file a report with lost and found.

With a flight to catch, Abdul dropped us at departures for our flight. We exchanged numbers, and he said, I will find your bag. Our flight was leaving soon, we checked in, and ran to lost and found. We made a report and waited....... and waited...... and prayed again. 25 minutes later, a United agent wheeled out my little bag! Everything intact, just as I had packed it. We sprinted to our gate, boarded our flight, took a deep breath, and then I cried! These were the happiest tears I’ve ever cried.

We phoned Abdul shared our miraculous news and asked what we could do for him. He replied, please pray for my family and me.

I am grateful for Abdul; he has restored my faith in humanity, and I will pray for him every day. Our world is FULL of good people!
